Monday, February 2, 2009

Miss Understand-ing

Kepada yg berkenaan, jgn ingat aku ni nk berniat jahat kat korang punya PC. Aku saje testing je apa yg aku tahu, tp bkn kt PC korang seperti yg didakwa. Apa-apa contact gua atau lebih senang hntr email kat aku at or

My hobby

Everybody got their own hobby, whether they stick close on it or not it depends but I'm sure everybody got one. My hooby is playing futsal with my friends and also swimming at least once a week at various places. I would like to thanks to my friends Azhar, an ex-swimmer for Melaka state who teach me the right technic and skills in this water sports. On futsal, I started when I form 5 with my classmates becoz our places got 3 places to play futsal. I buy the first boot, Nike Mercurial at RM 1xx.xx only. Usually I "date" with my hobby on the same day, i.e Futsal first and followed by swimming.
is a link to mys swimming club blog.